I Don’t Do That! (I Outsource)

I don’t do certain things.

Things like:

  • complex websites
  • logo design
  • complex payroll
  • marketing
  • financial advice
  • social media (for others)
  • legal contracts / agreement / minute books etc

Don’t get me wrong. I CAN do most of those things. I have done these things for certain clients in the past but now I prefer to sub it out. It takes me longer than someone who does these things for a living and my knowledge is just enough to get me into trouble. It saves me time and when I think about it – it saves me $$ too.

Like most business owners – we prefer to work on our business but not ON our business (if you know what I mean). I know a few examples of people who at tax time are pulling their hair out trying to sort out receipts in a cardboard box and put them in some order. I also have had clients give me that cardboard box. It’s just easier.

So, if you are reading this and you have a skillset that would be useful to other small business owners – drop me a line! I’d love to hear from you and pass your name on to others who may be in the market for your services! We all need to stick together!

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